Heritage Centre In the Quartermaster's Store
In 2005 the Trust entered into a agreement with the Department of Conservation to lease the
Quartermaster's store for the purpose of developing a museum and an area to display guns.
The Gun Room
The Gunroom forms the entrance to the proposed heritage centre. The project has
involved widening the exterior doors to allow the guns to be moved in and out for display on
open days, the construction of a concrete pad outside the building to allow the guns to be towed
out. It was also necessary to build an access ramp and cut a door opening to the upper level of
the Quartermaster's Store, which will become the main display area. Work is proceeding on building the displays.
The Trust has a small but enthusiastic team which has put many hours into cleaning and restoring our 3.inch anti-aircraft gun.
The Radar Hut
The purchase of a radar set which had been used at Godley Head was the stimulus for recreating the radar hut. The hut has been completed and we are working on completing the display.
The purchase of a radar set which had been used at Godley Head was the stimulus for recreating the radar hut. The hut has been completed and we are working on completing the display.